
The Pilots!

***The image discriptions are links to the images. If you have any more please send them as a .bmp or .jpg attachment to me.

Duo Maxwell-I have one of these for every guy. They're really cool.

Heero Yuy-Same type as above. I wonder what he's looking at down there.

Quatre Raberba Winner-Same type as above. Yay! Quattie!

Trowa Barton-Same type as above. Please! Button your shirt up. Then again ... don't.

Wufei Chang-Same type as above. They screwed his name up. Isn't it Chang Wufei?

Heero-Pointing his gun at your face. Are you gonna run or be like Relena?

Heero-Wearing normal clothes!

Quatre-Yay! So close up!

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Last Updated: 08/05/00